
2022-04-15 10:22:18.983   分类:学术讲座   阅读量:1974 返回列表
活动/讲座时间:2022-04-21 14:30
活动/讲座地点:犀浦校区 X9203

谢军,西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院副教授,同济大学博士毕业,上海交通大学、美国西北大学博士后。主要从事大规模城市道路交通网络和公交网络的均衡建模,求解与优化研究。2018年获得美国国家科学委员会交通分会颁发的“The Stella Dafermos Best Paper Award”。主持有国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家自然科学基金青年项目,国家博士后国际交流项目派出计划,CFF-DIDI盖亚基金青年项目等。在国际期刊共发表论文SCI/SSCI论文十几篇,包括交通运输领域的主流期刊Transportation Science,Transportation Research Part A,B,C&E等。


The user equilibrium (UE) static traffic assignment problem (TAP) has long been used as a standard tool to predict network flows. Under mild assumptions, the UE-TAP can be formulated as a convex optimization program. Designing efficient solution algorithms for this problem in large regional-scale networks has been a recurring research theme in transportation science and has attracted much attention in the past decades. The recent literature observes that the development of advanced algorithms for the TAP heavily relies on the proper use of some specific topological structures. This presentation will perform an extensive analytical and numerical investigation of most known TAP algorithms by examining how they create or utilize the specific topological structures in their algorithmic design and how these strategies will affect the convergence efficiency of the algorithms. The insights obtained from these discussions might be helpful for the potential improvement of existing algorithms or the proposition of new algorithms for large-scale network equilibrium problems.


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